Welcome Back 2017

I am excited to begin another year as your principal.  MBS is a wonderful place to learn, to grow, and to work.  Our year is off to a great start!  This summer Ms. Burke took a look at our playground with the Buildings and Grounds director, Rick Johnson.  It happens that Ms. Burke’s dad is an engineer, so he stopped by to help us figure out some “fixes” for our drainage issues!  We added some “4 Square” courts and have some new swings and new equipment on order.  The result is a significant DECREASE in the number of behavior referrals on the playground!  Sometimes “engineering” the environment is the best way to support our students as they learn how to be safe, respectful, and responsible in school.

I’m so excited about the newly energized MBS Parent-Teacher Organization.  Angela Bean is our new Vice President and chair in charge of fundraising.  She is highly organized and is generating LOTS of money for the PTO through her efforts.  I appreciate everyone who clips Box Tops, orders from Genevieve’s, and sends in slips for Hannafords Helps Schools.  Every little bit helps!  Funds from the PTO fundraisers support field trips, Four Winds, and our annual parties, the Monster Mash and the Lucky Day.

Speaking of the Monster Mash, President Trish DiFonzo has this year’s event well in hand!  Mark your calendars for Friday night, October 27th.  The event is free!  We will offer a snack bar with low prices for pizza, hot dogs, chips, desserts, and drinks.  We are asking that participants bring a canned or boxed food for the Colchester Food Shelf.

Soon it will be time for Parent-Teacher conferences.  Our faculty is working hard to provide a consistent quality of conferences and meet the diverse needs of our parent community.  Watch for a survey coming home that will help you and your child’s teacher prepare in advance for conferences.